Did You Miss Me?
If you are reading this right now then you have clicked on this site while it is still under construction. The old Ecuador George site was lost by my server. Some of the buttons don’t work yet and I’m just getting started but look around if you have a few minutes.

This new site will be a little different. I will still be talking about Ecuador, especially about how to eliminate most of that anxiety that comes from retiring and moving to another country. It is easy if you have a friend that has done it before. I will also be building a new home from the ground up in 2019. You can follow along here if you’re interested.
And I will be writing again, original stories written with a little humor and sometimes with a bit of irreverence. I love writing about the Human Condition. Stay tuned.
There will also be a separate section on Retirement and Aging. Nothing too serious, mostly just observations, funny stories, and maybe a few helpful suggestions.
And finally, I hope to chronicle my world travels. Not sure how much I will be doing, but I do have some stories about my trips to France and Belgium, and my trips to Spain and Portugal. And of course I am in Ecuador quite a bit, so I will have new updates about those visits.
My target date is December 2022. Hope you will visit me again.